Forum du clan Vioc

Clan [Vioc] - Geriatric Gaming Club since A.D. MMIII - [Vioc] Parkinson nous fait cliquer plus vite, Alzheimer nous fait oublier le résultat.
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 Sujet du message: Naxx is back
MessagePosté: 06 Sep 2007 11:06 
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Inscription: 29 Avr 2006 15:34
Messages: 196
Localisation: Lyon

Now, in regards to some of the more difficult raid content, like Naxxramas, or like Black Temple, I think there is some validity to what you’re saying, that not enough people are getting to see the content. [...]

So what I want to do in Northrend is to take Naxxramas in all of its glory, scale it down to the 25 man raid size, and then take the difficulty and retune it—obviously we’d tune for level 80, it would no longer be tuned for level 60, since that would be a little silly and it wouldn’t be a lot of fun for people at that point—but I want to put rewards in there that are very exciting to level 80 players, but make it the entry-level raid, very accessible, tune the encounters so that there’s something for everybody to do, and let the majority get a chance to see that content that they hadn’t seen before.

Comment faire du neuf avec du vieux ! :roll:

Mais bon, ça permettrait d'aller voir la fin de naxx et le black temple...

Tiwanak Bloodbowl
Teinsömh WOW druide heal lvl80 mineur 450 / joaillier 430
Junga WOW sexy démoniste lvl70 Herbo 380 / Alchi 380

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