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1er nerfs .... les noobs ont du gueuler !

12 Jan 2011 18:19

Bon , ya un paquet de mecs qui ont du se prendre les héroïques en pleine poire et Blibli réagit comme d'habitude...

Dungeons & Raids

* Level 85 players can now choose any normal dungeon via the Dungeon Finder. Choosing Random Dungeon will still not add Blackrock Caverns or Throne of the Tides into the rotation.

Blackrock Caverns

* Beauty now spawns with only two pups in Heroic difficulty. Not to worry though, the missing pup has been adopted by a wonderful, if not insane family.

Grim Batol

* Faceless Corruptors now move 10% more slowly.
* Players may still use spell and abilities while afflicted by Forgemaster Throngus's Impaling Slam.
* Valiona's Devouring Flame damage has been reduced by 20%.

Halls of Origination

* The duration of the Flame Wardens' Raging Inferno has been reduced by 80%.
* Anraphet's Nemesis Strike now does 75% of weapon damage, up from 50%. In addition, the damage-over-time effect applied by this ability does 15,000 damage every 2 seconds, up from 9,000.
* Earthrager Ptah's Flame Bolt now deals more damage per second on Heroic difficulty.
* Setesh seeks a portal every 25 seconds, up from 20.

Lost City of the Tol'vir

* Lockmaw no longer tolerates fighting in his treasure room.

Shadowfang Keep

* Baron Ashbury
o Sadly, in his hubris he has forgotten how to Mend Rotten Flesh.

* Lord Walden
o Conjure Poisonous Mixture now deals more initial damage.
o Frost Mixture is now area-of-effect damage.
o Toxic Catalyst now deals less damage over time.

The Stonecore

* Stonecore Earthshapers' Dust Storm does slightly less damage.
* Corborus
o The warning time for Thrashing Charge has been increased by 1 second. In addition, Thrashing Charge now happens 4 times, down from 5.
o The visual for Rock Borers spawning during the submersion phase is now different from the Thrashing Charge visual.

* High Priestess Azil
o She grew! She's now 175% the size of a human, up from 125%.
o Gravity Wells should kill Devout Followers more quickly.
o The cast time of Force Grip is now 1.5 seconds, up from 1.
o The size of the warning visual for Seismic Shard has been increased to more accurately reflect the area it affects.
* Slabhide
o The ground phase lasts longer and has fewer stalactites.
* Ozruk
o There is now a precast visual on the ground to make it clear how far away a player must get to be clear of Shatter.
o The cast time of Shatter has been increased to 3 seconds, up from 2.5.
o Shatter damage is now reduced by armor, but has been increased by 33.3% (repeating, of course) as a result.
* Bug Fixes
o Fixed a bug that made Ozruk's Shatter knockback component 10-yard range while the damage had a 15-yard range. Both are 15 yards now.

Throne of the Tides

* The damage done by Lady Naz'jatar's Shock Blast and Naz'jar Tempest Witch Chain Lightning has been reduced.
* Tainted Sentries Swell damage has been reduced.
* The damage of Blight of Ozumat has been reduced by 25% per stack.

The Vortex Pinnacle

* Creatures
o Desperate Speed cast by Temple Adepts has had its duration reduced significantly.

* Altairus
o The visual effects in this encounter have been adjusted to make the wind direction easier to read.
o Cyclones now knock players straight up, and players hit by a cyclone cannot be hit again for a few seconds.
* Asaad
o Skyfall Stars are now summoned to help him defeat players.
o Static Cling has had its cast time increased to 1.25 seconds, up from 1.
* Grand Vizier Ertan
o His health has been reduced slightly.
o He now knocks away players standing too close to him when he retracts his Cyclone Shield, which now inflicts Nature damage if it touches players.
* Bug Fixes
o Fixed a bug that made Ozruk's Shatter knockback component 10-yard range while the damage had a 15-yard range. Both are 15 yards now.

Re: 1er nerfs .... les noobs ont du gueuler !

12 Jan 2011 18:25

Oo ça va être hard en Pu alors :lol:

Re: 1er nerfs .... les noobs ont du gueuler !

13 Jan 2011 10:16

Fearen a écrit:Bon , ya un paquet de mecs qui ont du se prendre les héroïques en pleine poire et Blibli réagit comme d'habitude...

Je suis étonné que tu sois étonné! :D

Re: 1er nerfs .... les noobs ont du gueuler !

13 Jan 2011 11:14

Pas surpris, ça m'a fait juste rigoler , vu la difficulté bien supérieure à Wolk (du genre du début de BC) , les mecs avaient oublié ce que c'est de jouer , tout simplement et ça a du whine sévère ("bouhouhou j'ai wipe parce-que c'est trop dur" i.e je suis un noob mais j'ai pas envie d'en avoir l'air).

Re: 1er nerfs .... les noobs ont du gueuler !

13 Jan 2011 11:53

Shayol a écrit:Oo ça va être hard en Pu alors :lol:

Fearen a écrit:* Faceless Corruptors now move 10% more slowly.

C'est clair qu'on aurait moins galéré avec notre Pu d'hier!

Re: 1er nerfs .... les noobs ont du gueuler !

13 Jan 2011 13:51

bah ça va y'a pas tant de nerf que ça et y'a même des boss qui ont pris un up !

Re: 1er nerfs .... les noobs ont du gueuler !

14 Jan 2011 12:13

D’après ce qu'ils disent la tendance est tout de même a laisser de la difficulté aux donjons héroïques.

J’espère que ce sera le cas.

Re: 1er nerfs .... les noobs ont du gueuler !

17 Jan 2011 3:17

dire une chose et faire l'inverse... Ce serait pas la première fois. :twisted:

Re: 1er nerfs .... les noobs ont du gueuler !

17 Jan 2011 10:36

J’espère que blibli va pas change leur avis