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 Sujet du message: Retour sur les premiers tests ZERG
MessagePosté: 15 Mar 2008 9:04 
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Punk is not dead
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Inscription: 08 Oct 2003 12:35
Messages: 5472
Localisation: Barcelona, qui a eu la chance de pouvoir tester les Zergs chez Blizzard, vous propose de découvrir une FAQ assez imposante bourrée d'infos intéressantes. C'est en anglais, mais vous devriez quand même y trouver votre compte à mon avis. Merci à MetalGear pour le lien.

We had some incredibly good questions asked in our forum threads responding to the test of Starcraft 2 that I did in California, so I decided to make a news post about some of the updates that have surfaced because of the articles I posted and questions that users asked. So first, let's start with an Easter Egg one of our members found:

Introducing the Zerg Overseer:


Not the best pictures, but you get the idea. Thanks to burkid for the find!

Please click below to read the questions (and their answers) submitted by our users!

Here are questions (and answers) asked by users about the game!!

Q: The Zerg unit and building regeneration (secluding the Roach), was it the same as in SC1?

A: I didn't really sufficiently explore this part of the Zerg as it was tough to determine. However the regeneration rate does not stand out in my mind, so I would assume the rate is about the same as it was in SC1.

Q: Please estimate the Marauder's stats, and it's slowing attack. Is it capable of replacing the Medic as the second M in M&M?

A: Well, obviously, it doesn't heal. I believe it had around 100 HP, or the same as the Ghost. It costs around 75/25 (not 100% on this) and has 80 HP (THIS IS CONFIRMED AT 80 HP). It does 6 dmg (same as Marine) and does +4 bonus versus armored units. It also has a range of 6 (same as Marine). However, when combined with Marines this unit is absolutely deadly effective. Solo it isn't as destructive because of its relatively high cost.

Q: How useful/devastating can a BC be, considering it's late game and all? Is it as unusual to see one on the field of battle as it was in SC1? Plasma torpedoes, effective?

A: The plasma torpedoes are VERY effective against groups of units if they don't move, but it is possible to avoid it. I did not try using Yamato. However, the BC is now useful in ones and twos rather than just large groups. One or two Battlecruisers can change a battle whereas in SC1 they were only really effective in large groups.

Q: Did you use warp in?

A: Yes. While units warp in somewhat quickly, I still thought it was a bit slow for it to be practical in use for surprise attacks. I attempted to warp in Dark Templar into an enemy base, and my attempt failed. It was just a bit too slow. Also, the cooldown time at your WarpGate is VERY LONG so unless you're really good at maximizing your build time, it's not entirely worth it.

However, the Phase Prism is very useful. I found it very effective to transform my cannons into plasma form and move them up into offensive positions. This tactic was extremely useful in supporting offensive operations.

Q: Any fun scenarios you remember?

A: Ummm.... I used a large group of about 12 stalkers, 15-20 Zealots, 2 WarpRays and 5 or so Nullifiers to entirely wipe out a Terran army. They were walled in behind supply depots and bunkers. So I anti-gravitied a supply depot and three bunkers, rushed in, killed the tanks and other units, then killed the supply depots and bunkers as they returned to earth. Deadly effective.

In another scenario a teammate in a 3v3 (versus Karune) used 12 or so Banshees to effectively fend off a 3 player combined army. We were 2v3 because we lost a partner early and it was basically a matter of time. But he did rather well and finished off one opponent. I also managed to severely cripple the other Terran player with my DTs sneaking in to his mineral line, but Karune was built up enough, and we were significantly weakened. So Karune ended up taking the field.

Q:How effective is it to tech up to build a mothersip as the protoss at this stage? For example: is the cloak usefull, and has the planet cracker the strength to do decent damage, or is it still weak? Also, what is that ability or channeling thing that the Queen has in the newest zerg trailer? Or is that just a unit stance?

A: The Mothership is very powerful, but I have yet to confirm whether you can build one per player, or multiple Motherships. I saw one player build 3-4 during one game, but its possible that those were other players' Motherships. When I built one, it grayed out once I had one, so I'm unsure.

The Mothership has very strong abilities, including Void, which is basically its old Black Hole ability. It is casted, and then 5 seconds later begins to destroy everything within range, air or ground.

The Cloak is a rather expensive upgrade and I did not opt to use it because I felt it was too expensive. However, I tested it later and it has a nice large area of effect. It cloaks a much larger area than the Arbiter used to.

The Planet Cracker wasn't too bad... but neither was it amazing. It certainly does damage but it doesn't look like they've increased its strength significantly.

Q: Do Roaches melee or range? In most pics of them, theres been a cloud of green spit between them and whatever they're after, but then in several pictures it looks like they're slashing at them with their blades.

A: The Roaches definitely have a ranged attack, but Hydralisks are superior in strength.

Q: Do Stalkers practically measure up to the Dragoon but in a slightly less 'in your face' manor?

A: Yes, the Stalkers are worthy replacements of the Dragoon.

Q: Did you get to raid a base by 'cliff jumping' with the Stalker, how did this work out?

A: Yes, I did use blink to raid a couple mineral lines. It is very, very effective. The response time of the enemy is drastically reduced and often by the time they react their miners are already dead.

Q: Did players use a lot of raiding tactics with the new 'cliff jump'' mechanic, how did it feel to be raided like this, vice versa?

A: Actually, for the most part, mostly because we were unfamiliar with the game, most opted to use traditional tactics.

Q: Are drops commonly used, and does Zerg have an air transporter? (e.g. Siege Tank drop)

A: The Zerg currently do NOT have an air transporter, just the Nydus Worm, but that is very potent.

Q: Did players tend to target the Queen? Would it be a viable tactic to directly use warp-in so units can engage a Queen and kill her quickly using units like Colossus?

A: Yes, the Queen was targeted, but she isn't strong enough to warrant a special all-out attack just to kill her specifically.

Q: Does it flow like the first?

A: Despite being "fastest" the game progresses incredibly fast. Tech is very quick, mostly because you already start with 6 probes. Overall the game is much faster paced. Even the units move more quickly.

Q: Are the cartoony graphics not an issue while playing it?

A: The graphics didn't seem cartoony to me at all in gameplay, the new graphics looked great.

Q: How many games did you play?

A: We played for around 4 hours total. About an hour of that was just screwing around with the races, another hour and a half was playing just pickup games as different races, and then the remaining time was spent in a 2v2 tournament.

Q: Did you get to try previous stats and builds of units, e.g. the focused beam Colossus. If so or not, in your honest opinion which did you like better, and which worked better?

A: We only got to try the latest build, which had the Colossus' new attack. But I can tell you that this attack is MUCH more devastating than the old. Four or more Colossus together are unstoppable by any ground force that I tried. The Seige Tank might do the job, but I'm unsure of that.

Q: Are Zerg very vulnrable early game if they get rushed with 9+ Zealots?

A: Yes. It is much more difficult to stop Zealots with Zerglings at this time than it was in SC1. Swarm Clutches definitely help in the same capacity that the Sunken used to, but again it's tough early game for the Zerg. Roaches are very effective against Zealots, however, because of their high regen rate. A single Zealot will do hardly any damage to a Roach 1 on 1.

Q: Did you use the Thor, if so was it really that effective?

A: The Thor is VERY effective against air units. It is unimpressive against ground units. It also moves rather quickly for its size.

Q: How is the -endless- unit selection working out? Does it give you some more advantages as a zerg player with their big unit masses, and what are your thoughts on that possibly being imbalanced? Also, do the nydus worms have rally points now? That would be really handy.

A: MBS is very interesting, but at this time I think it affects the 3 races drastically differently. I think it favors the Protoss very heavily because they are reliant on a number of Gateways to produce their units whereas before you had to individually click, now you can produce any number of units at once.

The Terran are quite different because they have the Reactor which doubles a building's production. So really the Terran have LESS production buildings than before and so the MBS isn't as much of an advantage.

In last place on the MBS front is the Zerg. They already had MBS in that they could select all their larvae at once. While its a bit easier now, it's just a different way of doing things.

Also, the unlimited unit selection is rather nice. Units move in a fluid way even when you select a bunch of different types of units. There's no real confusion, it's just different. I think it's a great characteristic of the game, but it does diminish the need for hotkeying your forces. However, in order to effectively use the different units in your army, you will still need to hotkey.

Q: Please tell us all non-zerg unit stats that you recall. For instance, all Marauder stats and cost you remember. How much does an Immortal damage? The new Thor? Jackal? Etc...

A: The Marauder slows enemy units to a stop every time it hits it. It's like you're hitting them with a shotgun. They stop for a moment, then proceed at normal speed. But when you spraying the enemy ranks with these shots, it will slow a large group of units very nicely.

The Immortals are very costly for the service they provide. They do around 20 damage if I'm not mistaken (I didn't specifically write all the damages of all the units out, and bonuses are very hard to track), which is the same as the Stalker. So its shields are its primary asset.

The Thor I am very unsure of, but I know it has 300 HP. It doesn't significant damage to air units, much in the same way a WWII flak cannon does damage. The attack is very effective against groups of Mutalisks and is much more damaging to them, specifically, than psi storm ever was. My group of mutas was absolutely demolished by two or three shots from one Thor.

The Jackal is very effective against large groups of units, but once against its attack isn't very strong. I believe it does 10 damage (again I'm not 100% on this number), so its not especially damaging to individual units. It has a bonus of +5 against armor as I remember.

The Banshee is another unit that has changed a lot. It no longer does AoE damage, but it is nevertheless extremely effective. I never used the unit as Terran so I'm unsure of the exact damage amount, but I would guess it does around 30 damage. It absolutely destroys ground units of all types and is very effective against buildings as well. I'm unsure how well they do against Cannons and base defenses, however. Stalkers are a good counter because they can blink under the Banshee and the Banshees seem to have trouble shooting units directly underneath them. Also, they have a relatively low HP of about 150 (This is an estimate again).

Q: I just have one quick question regarding nydus worms: since they are a cloaked unit while moving around I was wondering if they blur the ground that they are passing over liked normal cloaked units, or if the only way to detect them is by some for of detection?

A: No, you cannot even tell the Nydus Worm is there unless you have a detector. It's a bit overpowered right now.

Q: What abilities are natural and what have to be researched? --What abilities do casters like the Queen and Infestor have when the units are freshly unlocked? As opposed to ones where you have to research the ability to unlock them.

A: The Queen automatically has the ability to build the Swarm Clusters and Creep Tumors, but you must have the lair and she must be a Large Queen in order to build Shriekers and cast the "Swarm" ability.

The Infestor can cast Dark Swarm right out of the gate, but all its other abilities like Infest must be researched.

Q: How much will the upgrading will generally cost for each unit?

A: The upgrades in the new Zerg system cost roughly the same. The level 1 Zerg upgrade (researched at spawn pool, no evo chamber required) costs 100/100.

Q: Does the Medivac Dropship heal units while they're being transported? Can it heal them at range like a normal Medic?

A: I'm not sure if it heals while transporting wounded units, but I think it does. And yes it heals units at range.

Q: Can you give us ballpark cost estimates for the new Zerg units?

A: The Roach costs about the same as a Hydralisk and most units that aren't new cost about the same. The Baneling morph is already known, it's about another 75 minerals. I believe the Ultralisk is 200/200

Q: How were the Queen's abilities managed? How much did her structures cost? Did you pay in energy or resources?

A: The Queen's abilities were mostly based on cooldown although one was based on mana. The building swarming ability costs 75 mana. The construction of buildings varies between 30 minerals (creep tumor) and 75 minerals (sunken thing) and has a 15 second cooldown. But you can just queue them up and she'll build as many in a row as you want.

Q: Did the Lurker still morph from the Hydralisk? You said the Hydralisk Den was Tier 3... which would make the Lurker, tier 4?

A: Yes, the lurker morphed from the Hydralisk. The upgrade to be able to do so was a researched upgrade but I did not mention the Zerg's new upgrade system in my article. Each unit has a "level up" system of upgrades. So instead of upgrading all melee or all ranged attacks, now you upgrade individual units. So you can have level 1, 2, or 3 zerglings. At level 1 they get speed, 2 they get attack and armor and increased attack rate, etc... So it has revolutionized the way the Zerg upgrade.

Q: Can you elaborate on how upgrading the Queen works?

A: The Queen is upgraded similarly to a Lurker. You just "grow" her to the next level whenever you have the appropriate tech and resources. However, if she is killed you will need to generate a new Queen that will be back at level 1.

Q: Do buildings do different things when infested? What do infested Protoss buildings do? Is it reversible?

A: The Protoss buildings CAN be infested, but right now no Protoss infested units have been completed. So right now Protoss infested buildings produce Infested Terrans. The ability is not reversible.

Q: Can Zerg buildings be infested? Can Zerg air units be corrupted? (Is it ugly? It's ugly, isn't it?)

A: Actually, that's a very interesting question, and one I don't have the answer to as I didn't try it.

Q: So how do they look like? Are the portraits of old units similar to what they've been? Are there alot of changes to voices/lines or more things like changing Adun to Tassadar etc?

A: The Thor sounds like Schwarzenegger, which is REALLY funny... but otherwise a lot of the old unit sounds are still being used as well as portraits. If I remember more I'll try to mention them.

Q: Is Hydralisk really that incomplete? On the main sc2 site it doesn't have animation indicating hitting an air target, was it noticable in the build you've played?

A: The Hydralisk was fully playable and targeted ground and air units. I'm not a big fan of its animation ATM because it looks like its swimming.

Concept Art - Visual Development

Dernière édition par Noçnoz le 15 Mar 2008 9:51, édité 1 fois.

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MessagePosté: 15 Mar 2008 9:19 
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Inscription: 05 Sep 2004 11:30
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Localisation: ROAZHON (Rennes)
ça donne quoi en Français


AXE for Men
"Plutôt la mort que la souillure"

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MessagePosté: 15 Mar 2008 10:07 
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Vioc regretté
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Inscription: 21 Nov 2004 22:27
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Localisation: Médoc pays des grands vins
tu as le traducteur google qui fait ça assez bien

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MessagePosté: 15 Mar 2008 11:40 
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Inscription: 05 Sep 2004 11:30
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AXE for Men
"Plutôt la mort que la souillure"

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MessagePosté: 15 Mar 2008 12:08 
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Inscription: 11 Oct 2003 8:45
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Localisation: C'est pas l'heure de l'apéro ?
1er enseignement : le jeu est plus avancé que je ne le croyais :shock:

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MessagePosté: 15 Mar 2008 16:01 
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Inscription: 08 Oct 2003 12:35
Messages: 5472
Localisation: Barcelona
Pym a écrit:
1er enseignement : le jeu est plus avancé que je ne le croyais :shock:

oh que oui…

Concept Art - Visual Development

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MessagePosté: 15 Mar 2008 16:55 
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Correcteur Orthographique Anti WoW
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Inscription: 13 Jan 2004 22:44
Messages: 1863
Localisation: Nantes
Niveau protoss et terran ça n'a pas avancé depuis un bon moment et les zergs montrés me séduisent assez peu alors qu'il s'agissait de ma race favorite !!
Je trouve même un peu décevant ce qui a été diffusé.
Autant la démo Protoss claquait bien, celle des terrans à peine moins mais là, c'est du foutage de gueule sur les zergs... Ils gardent leurs défauts d'antant, perdent certains avantages et manquent cruellement de nouveautés...
Quant aux animations elle font franchement pitié : les hydralisk lancent des épines au lieu du bon vieux jet d'acide vert, résultat on voit rien à l'écran; le développement des bâtiments a à peine changé, les zerglings et les ultralisks sont exactement identiques, on ne voit pas même pas l'attaque des poulpes volants et il en faut 15 pendant 30 sec pour tuer 2 battlecruisers .... etc,etc ...

Y a encore du taf !!!!!! :P

Y a des jours où faut pas me chercher ...
Et y a des jours tous les jours !!

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MessagePosté: 15 Mar 2008 17:00 
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Inscription: 07 Nov 2004 20:02
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Localisation: Compiègne
Attention quand même, il me semble que ce qui nous est présenté est un aperçu des Zergs. Y'en a surement encore sous la semelle. ^^

Dota 1: Super_Cat
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MessagePosté: 16 Mar 2008 0:04 
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Grand Vizir Iznogoud
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Inscription: 08 Oct 2003 22:14
Messages: 10296
Localisation: Devant mon écran quelle question !
J'espère parce sinon on risque d'assister à des combats protoss-protoss assez souvent en l'état :roll:

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MessagePosté: 16 Mar 2008 1:15 
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AQ20 forever
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Inscription: 26 Jan 2006 15:24
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Yannam a écrit:
J'espère parce sinon on risque d'assister à des combats protoss-protoss assez souvent en l'état :roll:

Ça reste à prouver ça...
Je trouve que les capacités d'infestation des zerg sont bien vue notamment les unités aériennes qui se retournent contre leur camp, il y a là quelque chose à creuser. Les unités qui se déplacent sous terre sont pas mal et le nombre de marines infestés produit est assez impressionnant. Enfin, les unité explosivent sont super efficaces, elle sont accèssible dès le tier 1 et ne coute pas plus cher que la production de zergling. Elles vont être bien polivalente que ce soit en rush en début de parti qu'en soutient pour détruire des unités lourdes plus tard en jeux. Après tout ce qu'on a vu reste du WIP. faudra avoir le jeux en main pour vraiment se faire une idée. Perso je trouve que ça s'annonce bien.
La seule unité abusée pour le moment reste le ghost qui selon moi ne devrait pas pouvoir one shot une queen ou un dark templar, alors que pour le moment c'est possible


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MessagePosté: 16 Mar 2008 4:09 
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Grand Vizir Iznogoud
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Inscription: 08 Oct 2003 22:14
Messages: 10296
Localisation: Devant mon écran quelle question !
Bah laisse moi me conditionner à crier à l'imba des protoss d'ici quelques mois :lol:

Apriori je serais un joueur zerg... mais bon si j'ai la chance de faire partie des BETA testeurs je ne manquerais pas de me la jouer "random" dans un premier temps ;)

Râaaa il me tarde de retrouver les viocs sur bnet à mater des duels entre Pym et Bad... ou encore à me replonger dans l'organisation de CW 8)

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MessagePosté: 16 Mar 2008 8:35 
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Punk is not dead
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Inscription: 08 Oct 2003 12:35
Messages: 5472
Localisation: Barcelona
On peut constituer ensemble une demade de guilde pour la beta test à venir?

Pym ou autres vous avez des pistes ou une adresse où on pourrait faire une demande commune?

Concept Art - Visual Development

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MessagePosté: 16 Mar 2008 9:30 
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Inscription: 11 Oct 2003 8:45
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Localisation: C'est pas l'heure de l'apéro ?
Bah je peux toujours demander à copain Aguilar ;)

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MessagePosté: 16 Mar 2008 9:31 
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Inscription: 05 Sep 2004 11:30
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Localisation: ROAZHON (Rennes)
/me veut faire la bêta

AXE for Men
"Plutôt la mort que la souillure"

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MessagePosté: 16 Mar 2008 10:21 
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Inscription: 11 Oct 2003 8:45
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Localisation: C'est pas l'heure de l'apéro ?
Voilà j'ai envoyé un petit mot je vous tiendrai au courant :)

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